

Sofia Papaefthymiou – Το Ρόδι – The Pomegranate


Sofia Papaefthymiou – Το Ρόδι – The Pomegranate

by Sofia Papaefthymiou

« Being half-Cypriot half-Swiss, I somehow felt the need to understand my relationship to the territory, borders, exile and my shared origins. Το Ρόδι–The Pomegranate is a short film that has become a tool for exploration and deconstruction, bringing the geopolitical conflicts of my country up to the level of my own conflicts. This project is also a space where I can dream freely of other places, my own island – the reflections of my desires. Unable to reach this homeland, I try to grasp what I do not have, to reproduce the sensations that I experienced there. I collect archives, I commission images. I bring my female body, which I appropriate and re-appropriate through various representations, back to its origin, to find my place and speak up again.»




with Philippe Jarrigeon, Milo Keller

As part of a course led by Philippe Jarrigeon, 2nd-year Bachelor of Photography students at ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne were asked to work in the world of D'heygere jewelry and accessories. Between luxury and the ordinary, reality and representation, the students proposed new ways of interpreting the provocative, minimalist pieces.